This screen was performed through a collaboration between the Fox Chase Cancer Center and Reaction Biology Corporation. Details about the assay can be found in the original publication.
The data can also be explored here.
Citation: Anastassiadis, T., Deacon, S. W., Devarajan, K., Ma, H., & Peterson, J. R. (2011). Comprehensive assay of kinase catalytic activity reveals features of kinase inhibitor selectivity. Nature Biotechnology, 29(11), 1039-1045.
The Library of Integrated Network-based Cellular Signatures (LINCS) is an NIH-funded program at Harvard Medical School. This dataset uses the KINOMEscan Assay to profile kinases bound by inhibitors.
The resulting datasets can be accessed here.
Citation: Koleti, A., Terryn, R., Stathias, V., Chung, C., Cooper, D. J., Turner, J. P., . Schurer, S. C. (2017). Data Portal for the Library of Integrated Network-based Cellular Signatures (LINCS) program: integrated access to diverse large-scale cellular perturbation response data. Nucleic Acids Research.
A library of the GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Published Kinase Inhibitor Set (PKIS) was assayed at the NIH using luciferase reporter enzymes. Details about the assay can be found in below publication.
The published datasets can be accessed by following the instructions found here.
Citation: Dranchak, P., MacArthur, R., Guha, R., Zuercher, W. J., Drewry, D. H., Auld, D. S., & Inglese, J. (2013). Profile of the GSK Published Protein Kinase Inhibitor Set Across ATP-Dependent and-Independent Luciferases: Implications for Reporter-Gene Assays. PLoS ONE, 8(3), e57888.
Pairwise assays between purified recombinant human kinases and a collection of small molecule inhibitors were carried out by the EMD Millipore Corporation (now known as Millipore Sigma) using a filter binding radioactive ATP transferase assay.
Raw data and details on the recombinant kinases and inhibitors used can be found in the supplemental files of the original publication here.
Citation: Gao, Y., Davies, S. P., Augustin, M., Woodward, A., Patel, U. A., Kovelman, R., & Harvey, K. J. (2013). A broad activity screen in support of a chemogenomic map for kinase signalling research and drug discovery. Biochemical Journal, 451(2), 313-328.
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